Božović, Nikola

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orcid:: 0009-0006-3804-6524
  • Božović, Nikola (13)

Author's Bibliography

Pile capacity distribution analysis for SLT with reactive system

Božović, Nikola; Ćosić, Mladen; Đoković, Ksenija; Milićević, Rajo; Krstić, Marija


AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Ćosić, Mladen
AU  - Đoković, Ksenija
AU  - Milićević, Rajo
AU  - Krstić, Marija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In the paper, the analysis of the bearing capacity of the pile and the redistribution of the
load on the pile toe and shaft was carried out. The tests were carried out by a static load test (SLT)
incrementally increasing the compressive force on the test pile, and the tension force on the anchor
piles. The test system consisted of one test pile and two anchor piles with a reaction beam. Two
tests were conducted according to the same test program, where the test piles were of the same
length, while the length of the anchor piles in the second test was increased. In the first test, the
anchor pile failed, while in the second test, the test pile failed. Based on the achieved limit values of
settlement of the test and anchor pile, the bearing capacity of the test pile at the toe and shaft was
determined. Subsequently, a CPT test was carried out and the bearing capacity was calculated
according to the LPC-CPT method.
T1  - Pile capacity distribution analysis for SLT with reactive system
EP  - 288
SP  - 282
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Božović, Nikola and Ćosić, Mladen and Đoković, Ksenija and Milićević, Rajo and Krstić, Marija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In the paper, the analysis of the bearing capacity of the pile and the redistribution of the
load on the pile toe and shaft was carried out. The tests were carried out by a static load test (SLT)
incrementally increasing the compressive force on the test pile, and the tension force on the anchor
piles. The test system consisted of one test pile and two anchor piles with a reaction beam. Two
tests were conducted according to the same test program, where the test piles were of the same
length, while the length of the anchor piles in the second test was increased. In the first test, the
anchor pile failed, while in the second test, the test pile failed. Based on the achieved limit values of
settlement of the test and anchor pile, the bearing capacity of the test pile at the toe and shaft was
determined. Subsequently, a CPT test was carried out and the bearing capacity was calculated
according to the LPC-CPT method.",
title = "Pile capacity distribution analysis for SLT with reactive system",
pages = "288-282",
url = ""
Božović, N., Ćosić, M., Đoković, K., Milićević, R.,& Krstić, M.. (2023). Pile capacity distribution analysis for SLT with reactive system. in GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Vrnjačka Banja, 282-288.
Božović N, Ćosić M, Đoković K, Milićević R, Krstić M. Pile capacity distribution analysis for SLT with reactive system. in GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Vrnjačka Banja. 2023;:282-288. .
Božović, Nikola, Ćosić, Mladen, Đoković, Ksenija, Milićević, Rajo, Krstić, Marija, "Pile capacity distribution analysis for SLT with reactive system" in GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Vrnjačka Banja (2023):282-288, .

Analiza modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova

Ćosić, Mladen; Šušić, Nenad; Prica, Marko; Božović, Nikola; Đoković, Ksenija


AU  - Ćosić, Mladen
AU  - Šušić, Nenad
AU  - Prica, Marko
AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Đoković, Ksenija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U radu je prikazan sadržaj predloženog dokumenta Elaborata ispitivanja šipova i jasnije
su razjašnjene aktivnosti koje su obuhvaćene ovim dokumentom. Na primeru objekta Ušće 2
demonstrirana je primena jednog dela rešenja o ispitivanju šipova, a što bi se našlo u samom
elaboratu. Analizirane su količine (obim) ispitivanja šipova po tipovima testova i analizirane su
aktivnosti u okviru svakog pojedinačnog testa. Naglašeno je da je potrebna bolja saradnja na
relaciji projektant, izvođač i nadzora prema ispitivaču šipova.
T1  - Analiza modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova
EP  - 581
SP  - 571
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ćosić, Mladen and Šušić, Nenad and Prica, Marko and Božović, Nikola and Đoković, Ksenija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U radu je prikazan sadržaj predloženog dokumenta Elaborata ispitivanja šipova i jasnije
su razjašnjene aktivnosti koje su obuhvaćene ovim dokumentom. Na primeru objekta Ušće 2
demonstrirana je primena jednog dela rešenja o ispitivanju šipova, a što bi se našlo u samom
elaboratu. Analizirane su količine (obim) ispitivanja šipova po tipovima testova i analizirane su
aktivnosti u okviru svakog pojedinačnog testa. Naglašeno je da je potrebna bolja saradnja na
relaciji projektant, izvođač i nadzora prema ispitivaču šipova.",
title = "Analiza modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova",
pages = "581-571",
url = ""
Ćosić, M., Šušić, N., Prica, M., Božović, N.,& Đoković, K.. (2023). Analiza modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova. in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja, 571-581.
Ćosić M, Šušić N, Prica M, Božović N, Đoković K. Analiza modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova. in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja. 2023;:571-581. .
Ćosić, Mladen, Šušić, Nenad, Prica, Marko, Božović, Nikola, Đoković, Ksenija, "Analiza modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova" in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja (2023):571-581, .

Razvoj modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova

Ćosić, Mladen; Šušić, Nenad; Prica, Marko; Božović, Nikola; Đoković, Ksenija


AU  - Ćosić, Mladen
AU  - Šušić, Nenad
AU  - Prica, Marko
AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Đoković, Ksenija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U radu je ukazano na postojeće probleme koji se pojavljuju prilikom planiranja, u toku i
nakon ispitivanja šipova. U tom smislu, na osnovu iskustava autora rada, predloženi su modeli
upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova kojima se efikasnije planiraju i rešavaju sve aktivnosti
ispitivanja šipova i utiče na donošenje odluka koje se u praksi neadekvatno rešavaju. Posebno je
naglašeno uvođenje i primena Elaborata ispitivanja šipova kao nova forma dokumenta u kojem bi
se celokupna aktivnost planiranja, ispitivanja i donošenja odluka nakon ispitivnaja adekvatno
T1  - Razvoj modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova
EP  - 570
SP  - 558
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ćosić, Mladen and Šušić, Nenad and Prica, Marko and Božović, Nikola and Đoković, Ksenija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U radu je ukazano na postojeće probleme koji se pojavljuju prilikom planiranja, u toku i
nakon ispitivanja šipova. U tom smislu, na osnovu iskustava autora rada, predloženi su modeli
upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova kojima se efikasnije planiraju i rešavaju sve aktivnosti
ispitivanja šipova i utiče na donošenje odluka koje se u praksi neadekvatno rešavaju. Posebno je
naglašeno uvođenje i primena Elaborata ispitivanja šipova kao nova forma dokumenta u kojem bi
se celokupna aktivnost planiranja, ispitivanja i donošenja odluka nakon ispitivnaja adekvatno
title = "Razvoj modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova",
pages = "570-558",
url = ""
Ćosić, M., Šušić, N., Prica, M., Božović, N.,& Đoković, K.. (2023). Razvoj modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova. in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja, 558-570.
Ćosić M, Šušić N, Prica M, Božović N, Đoković K. Razvoj modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova. in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja. 2023;:558-570. .
Ćosić, Mladen, Šušić, Nenad, Prica, Marko, Božović, Nikola, Đoković, Ksenija, "Razvoj modela upravljanja kvalitetom ispitivanja šipova" in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja (2023):558-570, .

Analiza nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa za potrebe izgradnje petlje „Merošina 1“ na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš –Merošina

Rakić, Dragoslav; Božović, Nikola; Stevanović, Miloš; Bogdanović, Milan


AU  - Rakić, Dragoslav
AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Stevanović, Miloš
AU  - Bogdanović, Milan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U Srbiji je počela izgradnja autoputa E-80 koji će predstavljati saobraćajno čvorište
zapadnog Balkana i biće deo glavne regionalne transportne mreže jugoistočne Evrope. Njegova
ukupna dužina kroz Srbiju iznosi 77 km, a prva deonica u dužini od 5.5 km je završena i puštena u
saobraćaj krajem jula 2023. god. To je prva od četiri deonice Sektora 1 čija je dužina 32.65 km. U
sklopu petlje „Merošina 1“ izgrađen je nadvožnjak koji je oslonjen na devet stubnih mesta na
međusobnom rastojanju od oko 25 m. Svaki stub je fundiran na šipovima i to sa predloženim
rasporedom od 2 šipa u grupi. U radu su na osnovu izvršenih geotehničkih istraživanja terena,
analizirani rezultati nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa prečnika 1.2 m i dužine šipa od L = 18
m. Analiza je izvršena primenom različitih metoda koristeći rezultate statičke penetracije-CPT,
laboratorijskih ispitivanja tla kao i probnog opterećenja šipa.
T1  - Analiza nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa za potrebe izgradnje petlje „Merošina 1“ na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš –Merošina
EP  - 403
SP  - 392
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rakić, Dragoslav and Božović, Nikola and Stevanović, Miloš and Bogdanović, Milan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U Srbiji je počela izgradnja autoputa E-80 koji će predstavljati saobraćajno čvorište
zapadnog Balkana i biće deo glavne regionalne transportne mreže jugoistočne Evrope. Njegova
ukupna dužina kroz Srbiju iznosi 77 km, a prva deonica u dužini od 5.5 km je završena i puštena u
saobraćaj krajem jula 2023. god. To je prva od četiri deonice Sektora 1 čija je dužina 32.65 km. U
sklopu petlje „Merošina 1“ izgrađen je nadvožnjak koji je oslonjen na devet stubnih mesta na
međusobnom rastojanju od oko 25 m. Svaki stub je fundiran na šipovima i to sa predloženim
rasporedom od 2 šipa u grupi. U radu su na osnovu izvršenih geotehničkih istraživanja terena,
analizirani rezultati nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa prečnika 1.2 m i dužine šipa od L = 18
m. Analiza je izvršena primenom različitih metoda koristeći rezultate statičke penetracije-CPT,
laboratorijskih ispitivanja tla kao i probnog opterećenja šipa.",
title = "Analiza nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa za potrebe izgradnje petlje „Merošina 1“ na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš –Merošina",
pages = "403-392",
url = ""
Rakić, D., Božović, N., Stevanović, M.,& Bogdanović, M.. (2023). Analiza nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa za potrebe izgradnje petlje „Merošina 1“ na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš –Merošina. in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja, 392-403.
Rakić D, Božović N, Stevanović M, Bogdanović M. Analiza nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa za potrebe izgradnje petlje „Merošina 1“ na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš –Merošina. in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja. 2023;:392-403. .
Rakić, Dragoslav, Božović, Nikola, Stevanović, Miloš, Bogdanović, Milan, "Analiza nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa za potrebe izgradnje petlje „Merošina 1“ na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš –Merošina" in GEOTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI GRAĐEVINARSTVA I ZEMLJOTRESNO INŽENJERSTVO - Vrnjačka Banja (2023):392-403, .

Technical solution for the foundation of the elixire group waste to energy treatment in Prahovo

Krstić, Marija; Božović, Nikola; Milićević, Rajo; Đoković, Ksenija


AU  - Krstić, Marija
AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Milićević, Rajo
AU  - Đoković, Ksenija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents the technical solution for the foundation of the facilities of the
Boiler House for the energy utilization of waste and chimneys. Next to the boiler house, the
construction of a Bunker for waste storage is planned, which is founded at a depth of 6.0m below
the top of the boiler house's base plate. Based on the conditions of limited settlement, the
foundation of the boiler house was envisioned on drilled piles, while a hidden pile wall was
designed to protect the foundation pit of the bunker, which has the function of preventing large
deformations of the boiler house structure and does not jeopardize its stability. Calculations of the
bearing capacity of the piles based on the soil parameters from the geotechnical study are
presented, as well as the results of the pile tests with axial vertical pressure force.
T1  - Technical solution for the foundation of the elixire group waste to energy treatment in Prahovo
EP  - 371
SP  - 364
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Marija and Božović, Nikola and Milićević, Rajo and Đoković, Ksenija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The paper presents the technical solution for the foundation of the facilities of the
Boiler House for the energy utilization of waste and chimneys. Next to the boiler house, the
construction of a Bunker for waste storage is planned, which is founded at a depth of 6.0m below
the top of the boiler house's base plate. Based on the conditions of limited settlement, the
foundation of the boiler house was envisioned on drilled piles, while a hidden pile wall was
designed to protect the foundation pit of the bunker, which has the function of preventing large
deformations of the boiler house structure and does not jeopardize its stability. Calculations of the
bearing capacity of the piles based on the soil parameters from the geotechnical study are
presented, as well as the results of the pile tests with axial vertical pressure force.",
title = "Technical solution for the foundation of the elixire group waste to energy treatment in Prahovo",
pages = "371-364",
url = ""
Krstić, M., Božović, N., Milićević, R.,& Đoković, K.. (2023). Technical solution for the foundation of the elixire group waste to energy treatment in Prahovo. in GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Vrnjačka Banja, 364-371.
Krstić M, Božović N, Milićević R, Đoković K. Technical solution for the foundation of the elixire group waste to energy treatment in Prahovo. in GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Vrnjačka Banja. 2023;:364-371. .
Krstić, Marija, Božović, Nikola, Milićević, Rajo, Đoković, Ksenija, "Technical solution for the foundation of the elixire group waste to energy treatment in Prahovo" in GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Vrnjačka Banja (2023):364-371, .

Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass

Mitrović, Stefan; Todorović, Goran; Kostić, Bojan; Mirković-Marjanović, Milica; Božović, Nikola; Krstić, Marija; Erić, Aleksandar; Gospavić, Radovan; Ilić, Snežana; Kijanović, Aleksandar


AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Todorović, Goran
AU  - Kostić, Bojan
AU  - Mirković-Marjanović, Milica
AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Krstić, Marija
AU  - Erić, Aleksandar
AU  - Gospavić, Radovan
AU  - Ilić, Snežana
AU  - Kijanović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents uniaxial compressive strength test according to SRPS EN 1926. Uniaxial compressive strength test was performed on 12 identical cube-shaped specimen’s dimensions 70 mm x 70 mm x 70 mm, which are made of sandstone. Samples were brought form Laz tunnel and were divided into two groups of six samples. First group of samples consists of 6 samples tested for uniaxial compressive strength. Second group of samples consists of 6 samples exposed to standard fire test according to SRPS EN 1363-1, with the intention to test uniaxial compressive strength after standard fire test. The aim of this study was to examine the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock, before and after standard fire test on the rock mass. The paper presents the strengths of the specimens tested before and after standard fire test.
C3  - Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova
T1  - Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Todorović, Goran and Kostić, Bojan and Mirković-Marjanović, Milica and Božović, Nikola and Krstić, Marija and Erić, Aleksandar and Gospavić, Radovan and Ilić, Snežana and Kijanović, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The paper presents uniaxial compressive strength test according to SRPS EN 1926. Uniaxial compressive strength test was performed on 12 identical cube-shaped specimen’s dimensions 70 mm x 70 mm x 70 mm, which are made of sandstone. Samples were brought form Laz tunnel and were divided into two groups of six samples. First group of samples consists of 6 samples tested for uniaxial compressive strength. Second group of samples consists of 6 samples exposed to standard fire test according to SRPS EN 1363-1, with the intention to test uniaxial compressive strength after standard fire test. The aim of this study was to examine the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock, before and after standard fire test on the rock mass. The paper presents the strengths of the specimens tested before and after standard fire test.",
journal = "Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova",
title = "Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass",
url = ""
Mitrović, S., Todorović, G., Kostić, B., Mirković-Marjanović, M., Božović, N., Krstić, M., Erić, A., Gospavić, R., Ilić, S.,& Kijanović, A.. (2022). Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass. in Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova.
Mitrović S, Todorović G, Kostić B, Mirković-Marjanović M, Božović N, Krstić M, Erić A, Gospavić R, Ilić S, Kijanović A. Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass. in Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova. 2022;. .
Mitrović, Stefan, Todorović, Goran, Kostić, Bojan, Mirković-Marjanović, Milica, Božović, Nikola, Krstić, Marija, Erić, Aleksandar, Gospavić, Radovan, Ilić, Snežana, Kijanović, Aleksandar, "Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass" in Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova (2022), .

Measurement and modeling of thermal conductivity of loess at the location of the Airport Nikola Tesla in Surcin

Božović, Nikola; Krstić, Marija; Todorović, Goran; Gospavić, Radovan; Mirković-Marjanović, Milica; Ilić, Snežana; Kijanović, Aleksandar


AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Krstić, Marija
AU  - Todorović, Goran
AU  - Gospavić, Radovan
AU  - Mirković-Marjanović, Milica
AU  - Ilić, Snežana
AU  - Kijanović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The thermal conductivity of a material is the parameter that is most reliably determined experimentally. The problem of determining the thermal conductivity in the soil is greater because the soil is heterogeneous, so for the same soil this parameter may be different depending on the their ohysical characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt an appropiate model for describing the thermal conductivity of the soil for a particular location after the necessary tests are performed. This paper is based on experimental measurements of soil thermal conductivity as a function of moisture content in the area of the ,Nikola Tesla Airport construction site in Surčin and the adoption of one of the existing theoretical models that would satisfactorily describe changes in thermal consuctivity. Based on the obtained results of experimental reasearche, a two- parameter fitting of the measured values of thermal conductivity of the soil was performed in Cote-Konrad model, which proves to be reliable and the simplest to describe the thermal properties of loess in the area of Belgrade.
C3  - Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova
T1  - Measurement and modeling of thermal conductivity of loess at the location of the Airport Nikola Tesla in Surcin
EP  - 338
SP  - 333
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Božović, Nikola and Krstić, Marija and Todorović, Goran and Gospavić, Radovan and Mirković-Marjanović, Milica and Ilić, Snežana and Kijanović, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The thermal conductivity of a material is the parameter that is most reliably determined experimentally. The problem of determining the thermal conductivity in the soil is greater because the soil is heterogeneous, so for the same soil this parameter may be different depending on the their ohysical characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt an appropiate model for describing the thermal conductivity of the soil for a particular location after the necessary tests are performed. This paper is based on experimental measurements of soil thermal conductivity as a function of moisture content in the area of the ,Nikola Tesla Airport construction site in Surčin and the adoption of one of the existing theoretical models that would satisfactorily describe changes in thermal consuctivity. Based on the obtained results of experimental reasearche, a two- parameter fitting of the measured values of thermal conductivity of the soil was performed in Cote-Konrad model, which proves to be reliable and the simplest to describe the thermal properties of loess in the area of Belgrade.",
journal = "Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova",
title = "Measurement and modeling of thermal conductivity of loess at the location of the Airport Nikola Tesla in Surcin",
pages = "338-333",
url = ""
Božović, N., Krstić, M., Todorović, G., Gospavić, R., Mirković-Marjanović, M., Ilić, S.,& Kijanović, A.. (2022). Measurement and modeling of thermal conductivity of loess at the location of the Airport Nikola Tesla in Surcin. in Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova, 333-338.
Božović N, Krstić M, Todorović G, Gospavić R, Mirković-Marjanović M, Ilić S, Kijanović A. Measurement and modeling of thermal conductivity of loess at the location of the Airport Nikola Tesla in Surcin. in Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova. 2022;:333-338. .
Božović, Nikola, Krstić, Marija, Todorović, Goran, Gospavić, Radovan, Mirković-Marjanović, Milica, Ilić, Snežana, Kijanović, Aleksandar, "Measurement and modeling of thermal conductivity of loess at the location of the Airport Nikola Tesla in Surcin" in Peti simpozijum DGM (Društvo za geotehnika na Makedonija), Ohrid, Zbornik radova (2022):333-338, .

Ojačanje postojećeg AB zida radi zaštite puta od odrona

Božović, Nikola; Krstić, Marija; Stojisavljević, Andrija


AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Krstić, Marija
AU  - Stojisavljević, Andrija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U radu su prikazane sanacione mere zaštite od odrona na državnom putu IB-23, deonica puta broj 02332, Mijoska – Gostun. Odroni su česta pojava na strmim kosinama koje izgrađuju ispucale stenske mase nakon perioda velikih kiša ili usled otapanja snežnog pokrivača. U maju 2017. i februaru 2022. godine odigrala su se dva velika odrona što je onemogućilo dalje odvijanje saobraćaja na ugroženom putnom pravcu. Prvobitna sanaciona mera 2017 g. i najbrže rešenje u pogledu bezbednog odvijanja saobraćaja bilo je izvođenje armiranobetonskog zida. Trajnje rešenje za zaštitu puta od potencijalnih odrona bilo je izvođenje armiranobetonske galerije nakon odrona 2022. g. Rad se odnosi na povećanje kapaciteta nosivosti i stabilnosti postojećeg potpornog zida za prijem povećanih vertikalnih i horizontalnih uticaja za slučaj da se usvoji AB galerija kao trajnje rešenje zaštite od odrona.
C3  - Dvanaesto međunarodno naučno – stručno savetovanje ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata, Vrnjačka banja
T1  - Ojačanje postojećeg AB zida radi zaštite puta od odrona
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Božović, Nikola and Krstić, Marija and Stojisavljević, Andrija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U radu su prikazane sanacione mere zaštite od odrona na državnom putu IB-23, deonica puta broj 02332, Mijoska – Gostun. Odroni su česta pojava na strmim kosinama koje izgrađuju ispucale stenske mase nakon perioda velikih kiša ili usled otapanja snežnog pokrivača. U maju 2017. i februaru 2022. godine odigrala su se dva velika odrona što je onemogućilo dalje odvijanje saobraćaja na ugroženom putnom pravcu. Prvobitna sanaciona mera 2017 g. i najbrže rešenje u pogledu bezbednog odvijanja saobraćaja bilo je izvođenje armiranobetonskog zida. Trajnje rešenje za zaštitu puta od potencijalnih odrona bilo je izvođenje armiranobetonske galerije nakon odrona 2022. g. Rad se odnosi na povećanje kapaciteta nosivosti i stabilnosti postojećeg potpornog zida za prijem povećanih vertikalnih i horizontalnih uticaja za slučaj da se usvoji AB galerija kao trajnje rešenje zaštite od odrona.",
journal = "Dvanaesto međunarodno naučno – stručno savetovanje ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata, Vrnjačka banja",
title = "Ojačanje postojećeg AB zida radi zaštite puta od odrona",
url = ""
Božović, N., Krstić, M.,& Stojisavljević, A.. (2022). Ojačanje postojećeg AB zida radi zaštite puta od odrona. in Dvanaesto međunarodno naučno – stručno savetovanje ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata, Vrnjačka banja.
Božović N, Krstić M, Stojisavljević A. Ojačanje postojećeg AB zida radi zaštite puta od odrona. in Dvanaesto međunarodno naučno – stručno savetovanje ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata, Vrnjačka banja. 2022;. .
Božović, Nikola, Krstić, Marija, Stojisavljević, Andrija, "Ojačanje postojećeg AB zida radi zaštite puta od odrona" in Dvanaesto međunarodno naučno – stručno savetovanje ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata, Vrnjačka banja (2022), .

Stabilization of loess with fly ash

Krstić, Marija; Božović, Nikola; Đoković, Ksenija


AU  - Krstić, Marija
AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Đoković, Ksenija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - To date, much research has been conducted in the field of the application of fly ash in road construction. Particular attention is paid to the effects of fly ash on soil stabilization. The results of the research show that self - binding fly ash is an efficient and economical stabilizing material for various applications in construction. The aim of this paper is to investigate the efficiency of stabilization of fine-grained soil with fly ash. This paper presents the results of the laboratory test for stabilization of loess with fly ash, which was conducted in August-September 2021 in the Laboratory for Roads and Geotechnics, at the IMS Institute in Belgrade. The materials used are ash from the heating plant "Energetika" doo. from Kragujevac and loess from the project "Nikola Tesla" airport in Surcin.
C3  - 5th Symposium of the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics MAG and 2nd Conference of Regional Geotechnical Societies ISRM Specialized Conference-Engineering problems in soft Rocks, Ohrid; Macedonia
T1  - Stabilization of loess with fly ash
EP  - 653
SP  - 648
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Marija and Božović, Nikola and Đoković, Ksenija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "To date, much research has been conducted in the field of the application of fly ash in road construction. Particular attention is paid to the effects of fly ash on soil stabilization. The results of the research show that self - binding fly ash is an efficient and economical stabilizing material for various applications in construction. The aim of this paper is to investigate the efficiency of stabilization of fine-grained soil with fly ash. This paper presents the results of the laboratory test for stabilization of loess with fly ash, which was conducted in August-September 2021 in the Laboratory for Roads and Geotechnics, at the IMS Institute in Belgrade. The materials used are ash from the heating plant "Energetika" doo. from Kragujevac and loess from the project "Nikola Tesla" airport in Surcin.",
journal = "5th Symposium of the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics MAG and 2nd Conference of Regional Geotechnical Societies ISRM Specialized Conference-Engineering problems in soft Rocks, Ohrid; Macedonia",
title = "Stabilization of loess with fly ash",
pages = "653-648",
url = ""
Krstić, M., Božović, N.,& Đoković, K.. (2022). Stabilization of loess with fly ash. in 5th Symposium of the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics MAG and 2nd Conference of Regional Geotechnical Societies ISRM Specialized Conference-Engineering problems in soft Rocks, Ohrid; Macedonia, 648-653.
Krstić M, Božović N, Đoković K. Stabilization of loess with fly ash. in 5th Symposium of the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics MAG and 2nd Conference of Regional Geotechnical Societies ISRM Specialized Conference-Engineering problems in soft Rocks, Ohrid; Macedonia. 2022;:648-653. .
Krstić, Marija, Božović, Nikola, Đoković, Ksenija, "Stabilization of loess with fly ash" in 5th Symposium of the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics MAG and 2nd Conference of Regional Geotechnical Societies ISRM Specialized Conference-Engineering problems in soft Rocks, Ohrid; Macedonia (2022):648-653, .

Kontrola rezultata testa integriteta šipova-karakteristični primeri iz prakse

Božović, Nikola; Krstić, Marija; Mitrović, Stefan


AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Krstić, Marija
AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
C3  - Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva
T1  - Kontrola rezultata testa integriteta šipova-karakteristični primeri iz prakse
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Božović, Nikola and Krstić, Marija and Mitrović, Stefan",
year = "2021",
journal = "Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva",
title = "Kontrola rezultata testa integriteta šipova-karakteristični primeri iz prakse",
url = ""
Božović, N., Krstić, M.,& Mitrović, S.. (2021). Kontrola rezultata testa integriteta šipova-karakteristični primeri iz prakse. in Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva.
Božović N, Krstić M, Mitrović S. Kontrola rezultata testa integriteta šipova-karakteristični primeri iz prakse. in Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva. 2021;. .
Božović, Nikola, Krstić, Marija, Mitrović, Stefan, "Kontrola rezultata testa integriteta šipova-karakteristični primeri iz prakse" in Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva (2021), .

Komparacija rezultata dobijenih ispitivanjem šipova koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama u istim geološkim uslovima

Krstić, Marija; Božović, Nikola; Mitrović, Stefan


AU  - Krstić, Marija
AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - U radu je prikazana komparacija rezultata ispitivanja šipova, opitom statičkog probnog opterećenja na vertikalnu silu pritiska za objekat “GRINFILD” postrojenja za proizvodnju čokolade u Novom Sadu. Prikazana su tri ispitivanja šipa izvedena u istoj geološko geotehničkoj građi terena koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama. Razmatraće se CFA šip prečnika Ø600 mm, SDP šip prečnika Ø510mm i Franky šip prečnika Ø520mm. Dužine ispitivanih šipova iznose L= 16.0 m.
C3  - Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva
T1  - Komparacija rezultata dobijenih ispitivanjem šipova koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama u istim geološkim uslovima
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Marija and Božović, Nikola and Mitrović, Stefan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U radu je prikazana komparacija rezultata ispitivanja šipova, opitom statičkog probnog opterećenja na vertikalnu silu pritiska za objekat “GRINFILD” postrojenja za proizvodnju čokolade u Novom Sadu. Prikazana su tri ispitivanja šipa izvedena u istoj geološko geotehničkoj građi terena koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama. Razmatraće se CFA šip prečnika Ø600 mm, SDP šip prečnika Ø510mm i Franky šip prečnika Ø520mm. Dužine ispitivanih šipova iznose L= 16.0 m.",
journal = "Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva",
title = "Komparacija rezultata dobijenih ispitivanjem šipova koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama u istim geološkim uslovima",
url = ""
Krstić, M., Božović, N.,& Mitrović, S.. (2021). Komparacija rezultata dobijenih ispitivanjem šipova koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama u istim geološkim uslovima. in Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva.
Krstić M, Božović N, Mitrović S. Komparacija rezultata dobijenih ispitivanjem šipova koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama u istim geološkim uslovima. in Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva. 2021;. .
Krstić, Marija, Božović, Nikola, Mitrović, Stefan, "Komparacija rezultata dobijenih ispitivanjem šipova koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama u istim geološkim uslovima" in Zbornik radova međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva (2021), .

Some Aspects of Pile Testing Using Dynamic Load Test (DLT)

Ćosić, Mladen; Šušić, Nenad; Prica, Marko; Božović, Nikola

(Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije SGIS, 2021)

AU  - Ćosić, Mladen
AU  - Šušić, Nenad
AU  - Prica, Marko
AU  - Božović, Nikola
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents typical examples of pile load tests with a specific analysis of results, whereby the test methodology relies on existing ASTM standards, own knowledge and experience. The pile tests were conducted using own equipment with licensed hardware and software for the Dynamic Load Test (DLT). The tests have shown the correct and problematic situations that arise when analyzing the bearing capacity of piles. Aspects of application of different equipment and testing methodologies in different situations are indicated. Also, the need to develop a plan for testing the load capacity of piles when it comes to large and significant structures was pointed out.
PB  - Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije SGIS
C3  - Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
T1  - Some Aspects of Pile Testing Using Dynamic Load Test (DLT)
EP  - 299
SP  - 289
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ćosić, Mladen and Šušić, Nenad and Prica, Marko and Božović, Nikola",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The paper presents typical examples of pile load tests with a specific analysis of results, whereby the test methodology relies on existing ASTM standards, own knowledge and experience. The pile tests were conducted using own equipment with licensed hardware and software for the Dynamic Load Test (DLT). The tests have shown the correct and problematic situations that arise when analyzing the bearing capacity of piles. Aspects of application of different equipment and testing methodologies in different situations are indicated. Also, the need to develop a plan for testing the load capacity of piles when it comes to large and significant structures was pointed out.",
publisher = "Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije SGIS",
journal = "Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia",
title = "Some Aspects of Pile Testing Using Dynamic Load Test (DLT)",
pages = "299-289",
url = ""
Ćosić, M., Šušić, N., Prica, M.,& Božović, N.. (2021). Some Aspects of Pile Testing Using Dynamic Load Test (DLT). in Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije SGIS., 289-299.
Ćosić M, Šušić N, Prica M, Božović N. Some Aspects of Pile Testing Using Dynamic Load Test (DLT). in Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. 2021;:289-299. .
Ćosić, Mladen, Šušić, Nenad, Prica, Marko, Božović, Nikola, "Some Aspects of Pile Testing Using Dynamic Load Test (DLT)" in Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (2021):289-299, .

Analysis of Redistribution of the Pile Shaft-Base Load Using the Dynamic Load Test (DLT)

Ćosić, Mladen; Božović, Nikola; Krstić, Marija

(Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije SGIS, 2021)

AU  - Ćosić, Mladen
AU  - Božović, Nikola
AU  - Krstić, Marija
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The paper analyses transmission and redistribution of the load from the pile on the soil, with a special focus on these effects regarding the shaft and base of the pile. The test was conducted using the dynamic load test (DLT) by incrementally increasing the kinetic energy of the drop weight impact in several drops. The results of in‒situ DLTs are presented and after the performed signal matching for every impact of the drop weight. The testing and appropriate numerical analyses determined the mechanism of redistribution of the shaft-base load of the pile up to the ultimate bearing capacity, whereby there occurs a reduction in the transmission of the load via the shaft and an increase in the transmission of the load via the base.
PB  - Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije SGIS
C3  - Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
T1  - Analysis of Redistribution of the Pile Shaft-Base Load Using the Dynamic Load Test (DLT)
EP  - 316
SP  - 308
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ćosić, Mladen and Božović, Nikola and Krstić, Marija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The paper analyses transmission and redistribution of the load from the pile on the soil, with a special focus on these effects regarding the shaft and base of the pile. The test was conducted using the dynamic load test (DLT) by incrementally increasing the kinetic energy of the drop weight impact in several drops. The results of in‒situ DLTs are presented and after the performed signal matching for every impact of the drop weight. The testing and appropriate numerical analyses determined the mechanism of redistribution of the shaft-base load of the pile up to the ultimate bearing capacity, whereby there occurs a reduction in the transmission of the load via the shaft and an increase in the transmission of the load via the base.",
publisher = "Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije SGIS",
journal = "Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia",
title = "Analysis of Redistribution of the Pile Shaft-Base Load Using the Dynamic Load Test (DLT)",
pages = "316-308",
url = ""
Ćosić, M., Božović, N.,& Krstić, M.. (2021). Analysis of Redistribution of the Pile Shaft-Base Load Using the Dynamic Load Test (DLT). in Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije SGIS., 308-316.
Ćosić M, Božović N, Krstić M. Analysis of Redistribution of the Pile Shaft-Base Load Using the Dynamic Load Test (DLT). in Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. 2021;:308-316. .
Ćosić, Mladen, Božović, Nikola, Krstić, Marija, "Analysis of Redistribution of the Pile Shaft-Base Load Using the Dynamic Load Test (DLT)" in Earthquake Engineering and Geotechnical Aspects of Civil Engineering, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (2021):308-316, .